WHITE PLASTIC SKY/MÜanyag égbolt(2023)

White Plastic Sky (Műanyag égbolt) - In a not too distant future without animals and plants where the price of human survival is high, a young man breaks every rule to save his wife.

Technically, the picture is nothing less than spectacular with its epic vistas and meticulous attention to detail. It was made through a combination of 3D models and manual rotoscoping, which gives it an old-fashioned feel, while the overall look is disciplined and very modern. Crucially, it is obviously consciously removed from an overly slick sci-fi style, where Judit Czakó's sober editing and Christopher White's varied and classically employed score play a critical role. - Cineuropa.

Christopher White’s varied score plays an important part, as well. It’s evocative without resorting to simplistic underscoring of the feelings and harmonises splendidly with the sumptuous images. - Disapproving Swede